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The Duncan Castle Plan is a magnificently stunning castle plan and the epitome of what everyone would desire for a fortified castle.

The Duncan Castle is designed to have a moat, which means that water completely surrounds the castle. The Duncan Castle is then completed by adding a wide bridge to the gated entrance that also has a watch walkway above the gated entrance.

The Duncan Castle has a colonnade that defines and encloses the courtyard. The colonnade also has a second level outlook that leads to the billiards room.

Show off your love for the Duncan Castle Plan! Buy the 18″ x 24″ Wall Poster.

Highlights of the Duncan Castle:

  • Great hall
  • Moat
  • Bridge
  • Billiards room
  • Second level laundry
  • Master suite with library
  • Five wood burning fireplaces
  • Three bedrooms
  • Two full baths and two half baths
  • Enclosed Courtyard
  • Watch and outlooks
  • Tower
  • Two car garage

For a larger version of The Duncan Castle click on this link for The Declan Castle.


File Formats

PDF (48 in. by 36 in.), DWG (Cad File), LAYOUT (Sketchup Pro Layout File), SKP (Sketchup 3D Model)





2 Parking Spaces

Living Area (sq. ft.)

Parking Area (sq. ft.)


Under Roof Area (sq. ft.)


Width (feet)

Depth (feet)


Height (feet)


12 foot ceilings at the second floor., 14 foot ceililngs at the first floor.


The exterior walls are 2×6 wood framing, with an interior wall to provide extra wall thickness., The foundation is a concrete stem wall, The floor is a concrete slab.

Doors & Windows

Traditional doors and windows

Exterior Finishes

Slate Roofing, Stacked Stone


Traditional split air-conditioning system



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6 reviews for Duncan Castle. Three Bed With Moat Castle House Plan.

  1. Jack

    Amazing. Can a basement be added?

    • Dan Tyree

      Jack, Yes, We can add a basement to this plan. Are you wanting a walkout basement, or a full basement? Please email to to continue discussing your requested changes to the Duncan Castle Plan, or you can call us at 865 269 2611. You can read more about our Customization Process at Thank you.

  2. Ben Buren

    Great castle design! With a moat even! Are the exterior lights actual gas torches?

    • Dan Tyree at Tyree House Plans

      The lights are shown as electric fixtures on the plans, but can easily be changed to gas, if the customer desires.

  3. Sara

    Ignoring the fact that I’m currently saving for this dream of a home, does the billiards room have heat/ac access? Asking cause it’s cut off from the rest of the house…

    • Dan Tyree at Tyree House Plans

      The air-conditioning for the Billiards is located in the attic space above.

  4. John Smith

    I would definitely consider building if cost of building isn’t much more than $500,000

    • Tyree House Plans

      We recommend talking with 2 or 3 builders in the location where you’re intending to build, in order to get an accurate cost to build estimate.

  5. Cody smith

    This is great. What would the build cost even be?

    • Tyree House Plans

      Building a castle is more expensive than the average cost to build for your area. We recommend talking with at least 3 builders in your location to get an accurate estimate of the build cost.

  6. Richard Lloyd Carone

    Great design , if I were to build this at my winery , I would only make a few changes . Has great bones , it is perfect design for a place on top of a knoll and that is where I would like to build it .

  7. Dan Tyree at Tyree House Plans

    Derrick, if you submit a request through, we can provide a design quote and sketches.

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